Sample translation projects:
Marketing materials
In-house magazine, Automotive sector
General engineering articles: Smart factories, Bespoke CNC, Cloud backup
Company presentations
Shareholder presentation, Steel tubing for the oil and gas industry
Sales presentation, Mobile apps company
Spanish government agency (cultural diplomacy)
Website design consultancy, Barcelona
Film Festival, Canary Islands
Independent secondary school, Madrid
Winery, Malaga

Background Experience:
Telecoms - starting as a Technical Marketing Manager in 1994 and becoming 3G Global Marketing Manager in 2000: Technical Communication, Proposals and Training. White papers, brochures, product roadmaps and web content for technical and commercial audiences.
Travel and Tourism - Since 2003, I have been responsible for marketing at a successful business hosting international courses and holidays near Granada, Andalusia: website, SEO, portals, social media and customer enquiries.
I completed a Postgraduate Diploma in Marketing with the Chartered Institute of Marketing, UK
Marketing Translations
Technical Marketing
Sample translation projects:
Technical description documents: Mobile apps, Fibre optic cable, Condition monitoring system (thermoelectric power plant)
Technical requirements specification documents: WiFi solution, IPTV Monitoring System
User guides: Operation manual for training system simulating Industry 4.0 smart factory
Analysis document: Humanitarian Demining in Colombia including technical annexes (35,200 words)
Technical invitation to tender documents: Gas and oil pipelines, Fibre optics

Background Experience:
After graduating in Computer Systems Engineering from the University of Bristol (UK), I worked as a software/firmware design engineer for 7 years, specialising in telecoms, speech recognition and speaker verification.
I then worked in technical marketing and marketing management roles in Motorola's European Cellular Infrastructure Division for seven years, specialising in GSM, GPRS and 3G technologies. I wrote, reviewed and edited white papers, brochures, technical sales training material, website content and technical RFPs. My particular focus was - and is - on making sure that highly technical content is made relevant and understandable for commercial audiences.
Engineering, Manufacturing, Technology Translations
Travel, Tourism and Culture Translations
Sample translation projects:
Travel and Tourism, Marketing
Airline Customer Services Manual
Guide to Seville, Andalusia
Guide to Vitoria, Basque Country
Marketing Strategy Report, Airport Expansion
Market Research Report, Golf on the Costa del Sol, Spain
Film and Culture
Monthly guide to theatre/music/events, Southern Spain (~5,000 words monthly)
Cultural/business/tourism articles, Spanish government agency (~5,000 words monthly)
Subtitle translation: Documentary short film
Film script: (20,000 words)

Background Experience:
Since 2003, I have been joint owner and marketing manager for a successful business hosting international courses and holidays near Granada, Andalucia, Spain. I designed and implemented the website, and continue to manage SEO, portals, social media and customer enquiries. See El Molino del Conde